
Quick Guide

to Organizing an Event for the World Interferometry Day 

How to join the World Interferometry Day

On April 10, 2024, people around the world can show how to apply and use interferometry. The most diverse areas of the use of interference can be presented in the most diverse forms. 


We want to make interferometry known and promote it by bringing together scientists, engineers, technicians, teachers, students, artists, hobby physicists etc. and to make the topic of interferometry accessible and understandable to a broad public.


There are many possibilities celebrating World Interferometry Day. Even a small contribution in your environment is enough, for example:

  • Introduce the phenomenon of interferometry in your class or lecture. Take a commemorative photo in front of the poster. We will be happy to publish this photo on our website.
  • Take and send us photos of interference phenomena. The best submissions will be presented.
  • Organize exhibitions, lectures, discussions or webinars.
  • Use the topic of interference in art, music, illuminating or water installations.
  • Make entertaining movies, pictures or write an exciting article about interferometry in magazines, blogs or on your website
  • Help to make this day known. Pass this information on to your network, colleagues, friends and acquaintances around the world.
  • Contribute to the spread of our idea! Use all media, social media channels or your own website to promote the World Interferometry Day 2024 #WorldInterferometryDay (banner, poster etc. at Media-information)

We are eager to see your creativity and look forward to your participation in World Interferometry Day 2024.

Don't forget to register your contribution to World Interferometry Day here! We would like to present as many contributions as possible in our event calendar to all interested parties. 

Spread the idea!

Photo contest on interference phenomena

Take a commemorative photo!  

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